Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Geopolitical Framework- Centrifugal in Italy

In spring 2010, Italy were celebrating their 150th Anniversary of it Unification. This article states that some of the citizens in Italy, “I am a FLORENTINE”, “A Tuscan? With Difficulty. An Italian? Never!”. And here I thought I of myself wanting to be “Californian” as if it is its own nation-state, but of course I am kidding around. “Two polls published this week found 10-11% of Italians thought the unification of their country was a mistake,’ describes the article, while other polls wanted to for the south and north of Italy to separate. We have to remember that this is only about 1/10 from the whole population of Italy (61 million+), so 80 percent of the rest of the citizens are happy with what they have now and their country being unified. The article then talks about boycotts for 2011 festive. (Which may or may not already happened).

“Against this background it is perhaps not surprising that the arrangements for next year's festivities have encountered difficulties. The chairman of the oversight committee, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, a former president of Italy, has resigned (ostensibly for health reasons), and two ministers in Silvio Berlusconi's conservative coalition--both of them from the Northern League, including the party's leader, Umberto Bossi--say they may boycott the celebrations.”


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